Gratis skøjtetræning på Broens Skøjtebane

Free iceskating lessons

Every Thursday at 17.00 - 19.00
Every Sunday at 11.00 - 13.00

Want to become a better skater? Or are you completely new to the ice?

Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skating skills, we're here to help!

At Broens Ice Skating Rink, we offer skating sessions with free lessons every Thursday and Sunday.

Our skilled coaches will guide you safely through the challenges of the ice, giving you the best tips and tricks so you can glide around with ease.

Catch our coaches on the ice and learn something new!

30. March
Sunday 11 13

Practical Information

  • Every Thursday at 17.00 - 19.00
  • Every Sunday at 11.00 - 13.00
  • The lessons are free, but an admission ticket to the rink is required.
  • Entry with your own skates: 20 DKK
  • Entry including skate rental: 75 DKK
  • The schedule may change or be canceled due to special events or weather conditions – be sure to check the event for updates.